So I managed to blue tooth pics to Gabs laptop and then save to a memory stick and then stick on my laptop... Oh the effort! I hope you think its worth it!
So whilst doing this I also realised I had forgotton to add some pics from Valentines.
I did these for Laura... She wanted cakes for her very own Valentines breakfast with herself. Unfortunately she didnt get around to collecting them til later on. So I am assuming she had a nice romantic evening in with her cakes.
Chocolate Guinness Cake with pink glittery buttericing. Piped black skull and crossbones & a broken heart.
And these two were for Zoe for her boyfriend. She requested a blue and white colour scheme as he is a Leicester City fan.
Chocolate Guinness Cake with white glittery buttericing and blue fondant hearts.
Please excuse the photo quality. All done on my crappy samsung phone. Which, may I add, appears to be on its last legs.
How Great Is This Children’s Book About Feelings?
11 hours ago
These look fantastic and are totally my style.